Mastering people analytics: our BDF for data-driven HR solutions

In the modern business world, data-driven HR solutions are playing an increasingly important role. We understand the challenges associated with the introduction and implementation of People Analytics, and have created an exclusive BDF, which enables you to address these challenges and benefit from the insights and experiences of your peers in HR.

Challenges of introducing People Analytics

Introducing people analytics into the organization can pose various challenges to businesses.

  1. Data quality and availability: the accuracy and availability of data are essential for producing reliable analyses. In our BDF, you can discuss best practices on safeguarding data quality and find out how other businesses successfully utilize high-quality data sources.
  2. Connecting data with business goals: understanding how people analytics can help contribute to the achievement of business goals is vital. We offer you space to talk about effectively connecting data with strategic goals and share practical approaches.
  3. Resistance to change: the introduction of data-driven approaches can sometimes be met with resistance. Our BDF enables you to learn from the experience of others in dealing with resistance and proven methods for cultivating acceptance of change among employees.
  4. Change management: the introduction of people analytics requires effective change management in order to prepare the organization for the necessary adjustments. The BDF gives you the opportunity to exchange proven approaches to communication, training, and the integration of data-driven solutions.

Advantages of our People Analytics BDF

What our BDF can offer you

  1. Expertise and insights: meet with peers to learn about proven methods and successful strategies for overcoming specific challenges.
  2. Practical Solutions: find out how other businesses have mastered similar challenges and how you can apply these solutions in your organization.
  3. Expanded network: use our BDF network to benefit from diverse perspectives and support one another.

Ready to take part?

If you are ready to tackle the challenges of data-driven HR transformation and optimize your people analytics strategy, you are cordially invited to become part of our BDF.

Shaping the change together and increasing success!

Register your interest now for a non-binding offer or further information from our team:

BDF moderator Prof. Dr. Lisa Marie Giermindl will be happy to answer your questions.

Contact Person

Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Lisa Marie Giermindl

IOL Institut für Organisation und Leadership Professorin für Leadership & HR

+41 58 257 14 42